Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Human is the God's rep

Human is God’s representativeon earth. Representative in gaining the God’s pleasant to unveil His Greatness & Glory. As God’s representatives,they maintain the positive balance of the world through the power of their soul. The representatives understand God, theirs and their circumstances. They are always busy to inform and remind people to have a spiritual culture, i.e.:
a)      The society who always communicates with Allah, the Lord of the universe.
The easiest way is by applying Koran and following the example of the Prophet (pbuh[1]). God does not like to anyone who talk a lot but without act.
b)     The society who has the ability to elaborate the relation between spiritualism and knowledge.
The spiritual society is a group of people who loves God, always remember, close and surrender before Him. The society of who are always in the truth. They are strong. They understand theirs. The one whounderstand Godis smile in this world. Since they are dare to remove the world from their heart.
Their hands are their act of devotion to their religion and their accountability of theirs. They do not let their tools of life take control, such as their mind, their heart, and their feelings. All of the tools of life were sunk in the existence of God. They do not let their soul travels thirsty & dried with no direction.
Ye all God’s representative, Allah is your place. The world needs balance. Do not let your religion brings you to materialism. Learn knowledge of religion in total!
Learn the religion correctly. Do not learn by letting to follow your own perception. In fact, most of the people are closed minded by the way they think, by the way they act. Thus most of people are belief that none could meet God, unless they have prophecy.
Religion is not only for Prophet or for certain people, but for all human being. Religion is spiritual, with their worship is the way to meet God for the one who belief. Religion is also accompanied by remembering and silence still. Remember when the Prophet (pbuh) said that one of the seven groups who will be helped by God in the day of the judgment is the one who remember God until weeping.
Therefore anyone has the right to be the servant of God as long as they make the best effort to follow religion as exampled by the Prophet (pbuh).
Translated from the book of H Slamet Utomo “Islam Sebuah Pengakuan”.

[1]pbuh. is stand for “praise be upon him”.
TANGGAL 14 - 15 Februari 2015

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Bersama ini kami mengundang Bapak / Ibu /Saudara/i untuk hadir dalam Acara Silaturahmi 6 Bulanan Bersama H. Slamet Utomo yang akan dilaksanakan pada :

Tanggal         : 14 - 15 Februari  2015
Lokasi           :  Cibubur - Jakarta

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Demikian Undangan ini kami sampaikan atas kehadirannya kami sampaikan terima kasih.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.